Title member: Dr. Javier Castillo Colomer
Graduated in Analytical Psychology from the Research and Training Centre for Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz. Zurich, Switzerland.
Academic Qualifications
- University Degree in Philosophy and Educational Sciences, Psychology Section (1983).
- PhD in Psychology from the University of Valencia, Excelent Cum Laude (2002).
- Specialist Psychologist in Clinical Psychology (2003).
- Europsy, European Certificate in Psychology (2011).
- Europsy, European Certificate in Psychoterapy (2011).
- Accredited by AVAP (Agencia Valenciana de Evaluación y Prospectiva) as a university professor (2016).
Clinical experience
- Trained in Psychoanalysis, Reichian analysis and Jungian analytical psychology. Individual and group therapist. I started my studies in 1978.
- Psychotherapist with a psychoanalytic orientation working with adults in private practice since 1983.
- In public service practice from 1986 to 1989.
University Professor
- Professor at the International University of Valencia (VIU) in the following subjects:
- Psychology of Childhood and Adolescent Development in the Psychology degree (2012-13).
- Master’s Degree in Third Generation Therapies (2013-14).
- Clinical Psychology in the Psychology degree (2014-18).
- Psychodynamic Therapies in the Psychology degree (2015-18).
- Psychology of health in the adult population: Intervention and treatment, in the Master’s Degree of General Health Psychology (2014-17).
- Director of the Master’s Degree in General Health Psychology at the VIU (2014-2016).
- External lecturer at the CEU – Cardenal Herrera University of Valencia in the Master’s in General Health Psychology for the subject of treatment in adults (2015-2018).
- Professor of Lifelong Learning at the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Course: “Psychoanalysis, creativity and self-knowledge” (2017-18).
- Professor at the University of La Coruña for the course “Jungian Oriented Psychotherapy” (Psimática Virtual Classroom) in 2017.
Other titles
- Accredited as a psychotherapist by the FAPyMPE (Spanish Federation of Psychologists and Medical Psychotherapists Associations) (2016).
- Advisor to the board of directors at the Official College of Psychologists in the Valencian Community in clinical psychology, psychotherapy and psychoanalysis since 1990.
- Professor of Psychoanalysis at the Ateneo de Madrid, from 2013 to 2017. Coordinator of the master’s degree in Psychotherapy and Jungian analytical psychology.
- Director of the Profundis Collection of the Manuscritos Publishing House (2012-2015).
- Member of the International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis (that belongs to the International Federation for Psychotherapy), since 2014, being its first president.
- Member of the Association des Psychanalystes Europeens (APE) since 2019
- Member of the International Association for Psychoanalytic Self Psychology since 2015.
- Member of the Oscar Masota School of Psychoanalytic Studies from 1982 to 1984.
- Member of the Spanish School of Reichian Therapy (Spanish section of the SEOR) from 1989-1993.
- Member of the W. Reich Paris institute from 1994-1996.
- Member of the Spanish Society for integrative psychology and psychotherapy (SEPPI) from 2005-2014
- Member of the Spanish Society of Psychotherapy and Group Techniques (SEPTG) from 1990-2014.
Book Publications
- Analytical psychology and integration. (2002), la Nau.
- Dreams in Life, Illness and Death (2005), Biblioteca Nueva.
- The value of suffering. Notes on suffering and its meanings, creativity and psychotherapy (2007) Desclée de Brouwer.
- How we psychoanalyse: how psychotherapy approaches human suffering, (2008).
- From the Dionysian to the demonic. Psychoanalysis of fear, guilt and other feelings (2008), Manuscritos.
- Reason and strength of the myth. The Eros and psyche relationship in the analytical space (2009), Fata Morgana.
- Deep Psychology (2010), Manuscritos.
- An introduction to dream interpretation (2013), Manuscritos.
- My Experience with the Yanomami (2015), Manuscritos.
- Jungian-oriented psychotherapy. An integrative vision of Analytical Psychology (2017), Psimática editorial.
- The hole and other brief stories (2018). Psimática editorial.
- Collaborator in four more books writing a chapter for publishers such as Temas de Hoy or Kairós and has written 12 articles in specialised journals.
- Author of the Manual of Clinical Psychology, Developmental Psychology and Dynamic Psychology for the VIU.
Research and development of a new model
Creator of Dynamic Psychotherapy Oriented by Dimensions (PDD).
An integrative model that works with the following dimensions: Cognitive, Topographic, Psychodynamic, Abreactive, Relational and Existential.
Especially suitable for the development and understanding of psychotherapy with psychotic and borderline patients.
Contact Details:
Tel: 629612318