Associate member: Mercedes Vandendorpe
C/Lérida 24, 4 – 46009 Valencia
Baccalauréat ès arts Comunications / Visaul Arts, University of Ottawa, Canada. 1992. Graduated with Magna Cum Laude.
Specialist, Junguian Psychology, Sociedad para el Desarrollo del Psicoanálisis Junguiano (SIDPAJ). 2020.
Ongoing: Degree in Psychology, Univesitat Oberta de Cataluña, and training as a Junguian analyst at The Research and Training Centre for Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz, Zürich, Switzerland.
She has presented her researches on creative processes and the unconscious at the 54th Block course of The Research and Training Center for Depth Psychology (Zürich). She created the contents and teaches three modules for the training at SIDPaJ as Specialist in Cultural-Artistic Jungian Theory (ETJac). She has taught courses on symbolic thinking for the Higher Institute of Artistic Education of the Valencian Community (ISEAC-CV). She has also given workshops on creativity and the unconscious at the IVAM Museum and the Rambleta Art Center.