Presentation The International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis
The SIDPaJ emerges from the desire of a group of psychoanalysts, psychotherapists and clinical psychology professionals to create a common space that has Jungian psychology with its deep capacity for integration as its reference point.
The inclusion of the terms Jungian and Psychoanalysis in the name of the Society indicates our integrative orientation. The Society values the originality of Jungian thought in which the idea of the objective psyche and the creative and teleological functions of the unconscious are fundamental, while at the same time acknowledging the importance of the work of psychoanalysts who have significantly broadened the Freudian psychoanalytic theory, such as Ferenczi, Reich, Sullivan, Klein, Winnicott, Kohut, Mitchell or Stolorow.
This new project originates from the Valencian Institute of Psychology and Analytical Psychotherapy (IVaPPA). Its training program, with the support of the Official College of Psychologists in the Valencia region of Spain, created the foundations of what is now SIDPaJ. Once the old institute had reached the necessary maturity, it became the core of this new association.
SIDPAJ members represent a diversity of perspectives and formative training. We consider that this diversity enriches the association, as well as the extensive clinical experience of all its title members.
The aim of the Society is to facilitate study and research into the complex and fascinating world of the psyche. Consequently, the institutional structure of the SIDPAJ aims to prevent bureaucracy and a hierarchy and to enable collegial collaboration without any power complexes.
The Society is convinced that Jungian Psychoanalysis can become one of the most important currents of psychoanalysis, being a model capable of integrating an unconscious perspective that is able to guide us by compensating or complementing our consciousness, but at the same time being aware that the unconscious has different dimensions and that character analysis, the interpretation of transference, countertransference awareness, the valuing of empathy, the interpretation of defence mechanisms or relational analysis are essential aspects of an analytical process.
Consistent with our research perspective, we consider it necessary to develop social action collaborating with various associations and institutions with which we can work together in joint projects in a spirit of cooperation and with respect for different approaches. So far this has resulted in an agreement with the Official College of Psychologists, the summary is presented below as an example to help understand in what and how this collaboration and mutual recognition can function.
SIDPaJ Membership:
Associate Members
This category includes two types of members:
- Students in training that are candidates for title membership who have previous accredited training in analytically oriented psychotherapy.
- Students or professionals whose interest is not focused on psychotherapy work, but are interested in Jungian psychology that could be applied to other areas of knowledge, such as education, social, historical and anthropological analysis.
Title Members
Jungian psychoanalysts who have their analytical education accredited in three areas; personal analysis, supervision hours and training seminars. For this, it is required:
– To be in possession of a higher university degree in medicine or psychology. If the applicant works outside the Spanish field, this requirement will be adapted to the legal framework that governs the practice of psychotherapy in the country where the applicant works./p>-Haber realizado un proceso de análisis con uno o varios analistas miembros o no de la SIDPaJ (aproximadamente 250 sesiones).
-To have carried out an analysis process with one or more analysts (approximately 250 sessions). These analysts can be (or not) SIDPaJ members.
-To have completed the SIDPaJ Theoretical Training in Jungian Psychoanalysis (312 hours) or another equivalent training that may be validated, obtaining the title of Specialist in Jungian Theory.
-To have carried out a clinical supervision process with a didactic member of the SIDPaJ, chosen by the applicant from among the didactic accredited members. This didactic member will assess the applicant’s sufficiency and indicate the complementary training that he or she needs and, finally, will issue a favorable report. The necessary sessions will be adjusted to the reality of the applicants (approximately 150 sessions).
Once these requirements are met, the applicant will submit the application providing all supporting documentation and must submit, in public hearing, a clinical case that will be evaluated by didactic members of the association (excluding the didactic member who has performed the job of supervisor of the applicant).
Once all the requirements have been met, the applicant will receive the Jungian Psychoanalyst qualification and will be able to access a full membership
Didactic Members
Didactic Members are Title Members who carrie out the clinical supervision process with the applicants.
Our Didactic Members are: Mikel García García, Enrique Galán y Javier Castillo Colomer.
Associate members
Title members
Extraodinary Members
Dra. María Abac
Soul artist, Jungian analyst, clinical psychologist, founder and director of «Editorial Fata Morgana», graduated from the C.G. Jung from Zurich, author of the book “The Veiled Personality”. She lives in Mexico.
Francisco Santolaya
Doctor of Psychology and Clinical Psychologist. Psychotherapist member of EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations). President of the Federation of Psychologists of Spain. Dean of the Official College of Psychologists of the Valencian Community, Spain.
Antonio Sanfeliu
Doctor of Psychology. Psychotherapist member of EFPA. Extraordinary Professor of Social Sciences and Law. Dean of Psychology at the Valencian International University (VIU).

Directive Board
President: | D. José López Galvéz | + info | sidpaj@gmail.com |
Secretary: | Dª. Concepción Madueño Carrillo | + info | sidpaj@gmail.com |
Treasurer: | D. Josep María Díez Barrubés | + info | sidpaj@gmail.com |
Members: | D. Enrique Galán Santamaría | + info | egalans@telefonica.net |
D. Miguel Ángel Morate Sandín | + info | miguelmorate@hotmail.com |