Title member: Mikel García García
Mikel García. Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (University of Navarra). Bachelor in Psychology (University of San Sebastián). Psychotherapist of an analytic-integrative orientation. With experiential and theoretical training in Psychoanalysis, Reichian body-mind therapy, Jungian Analytical Psychology, Transpersonal Psychotherapy, Systemic Therapy, trained in cognitive behavioural therapy, Labour systems and gestalt therapy.
Therapeutic processes realized: individual and group psychoanalysis in Donostia (San Sebastian), Orgontherapy (Spanish School of Reichian therapy in Valencia) and Analytical Psychology with José Zabala in Donostia and Valencia (1996-2006) and Paul Brutsche in Zurich (from 2009).
Clinical experience since 1977, starting his practice as medical doctor in a rural area in Navarra (1977-1986).
Promoter of mental health reform in Navarra, hired as a clinical psychologist in public mental health centres (Tafalla CSM) and hospitals (psychiatric inpatient unit at the hospital de Navarra) of Osasunbidea (Navarra Health Service 1987-1993), and from 1993 has worked as a medical doctor and psychotherapist in private practice. Awarded the program “Child Abuse and Unprotected Children” from the regional government of Donostia (San Sebastian, Gipuzkoa, 2001-2003).
Collaborator with international medical intervention NGOs, having worked for several months in Nicaragua and Mexico, and in community health programs in various institutions highlighting: personnel primary care health training; AIDS; child abuse; dignified death.
Research: “An approach to personality variables, linguistic, and relevant family members on school performance failure” Cinco Villas (Navarra), 1982; “Community Health Profile System in Cinco Villas” 1985-1986, Scholarship from the Department of Health and Social Welfare of Navarra; “Communication between doctors and patients in primary care,” 1987. “Adapting T. Millon’s MCMI personality test ” in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Alejandro Avila Espada and the Department of Preventive Psychology at the Basque Country 1989-1991. “Social perception of death” (1999); “Ethical Dilemmas” (2009).
Publications: Member of Editorial Board of the Official Publication of the Spanish Society of Interdisciplinary of Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (SEISIDA), (1991-1993). Chapter “Artes de mi oficio de analista integrativo” of the collective book “CÓMO PSICOANALIZAMOS, De cómo la psicoterapia aborda el padecer humano.” Editorial Manuscripts, Madrid, April 2008. Chapter: “Psicoterapia Breve Corporal Integrativa” of the collective book “PSICOTERAPIAS BREVES FOCALES CONTEMPORÁNEAS. Teoría y práctica”, Editorial Manuscripts. Colección Insight, Madrid, June 2010.
ORCID ID orcid.org/0000-0001-9146-3876
Collaborator with IVaPPA.
He speaks Spanish, Basque, English and French
Correo electrónico: iratxomik@gmail.com
Skype: iratxomikel
WEB: http://ibiltarinekya.com/
TWITTER https://twitter.com/iravajra
FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/mikelgarciagarcia?ref=name