Title member: Miguel Ángel Morate Sandín
Collegiate Psychologist M-22791. University Specialist in Clinical and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. University Specialist in Clinical and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Child and his Family. Expert in Group Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. Specialist in Jungian Psychoanalysis.
Psychotherapist Certified by the EFPA (European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations), FAPYMPE (Federation of Associations of Psychologists and Medical Psychotherapists of Spain) and EUROTAS (European Transpersonal Association).
Psychoanalyst holder of the IFPS (International Federation for Psichoanalytic Societies). Clinical Coordinator of Arturo Soria Psychiatric Day Hospital.
Practical tutor for the Master in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy of the Complutense University and the Master in General Health Psychology of the Cardenal Cisneros University of Madrid.
Private consultation in Madrid and Alcalá de Henares.