Title member: Liliane Clark, Ph.D.
Dr. Clark is a highly driven, passionate and diligent professional, always eager to expand knowledge. She is a psychologist licensed by the Psychology Council of Pernambuco, 2nd Region, Brazil, since April 1990, (CRP 02/6841). Dr. Clark is a member of the British Psychological Society (GMBPSS 385475), the International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis (SIDPaJ) and the International Institute of Dimension-oriented Psychotherapy (PDD). She lives in the United States since 2002 and founded the Clark Consulting, Coaching & Training in 2012.
Dr. Clark has a very strong academic background. Over the last 34 years of her career, she has developed a unique approach that has been structured over an extensive trajectory permeated by a series of training courses. In the first 12 years of his career, in Brazil, Dr. Clark earned a postgraduate degree in Strategic Planning and Organizational Management, in addition to other clinical training courses that were part of this continuous search for knowledge.
In 2010, she completed her Masters with Distinction and Honors at Sacred Heart University, Fairfield, CT, USA.
In 2017, after a seven-year training, Dr. Clark acquired the title of Jungian Psychoanalyst at the International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis (SIDPaJ), in Spain and became its titular member.
Moreover, in October 2021, Dr. Clark finalized a specialization in Dimension-oriented Dynamic Psychotherapy (PDD) at the PDD International Institute, Spain. Today, she is a titular member and the Vice President of this institution.
In 2022, after working five years in a doctoral program directed by Universität Valencia and Universität Jaume I, in Spain, Dr. Clark earned her PhD degree, with a grade of Excellent “Cum Laude”, which is the highest degree of honor obtained by a doctoral student at a Spanish university.
Dr. Clark claims she never wants to stop learning. As a result of this constant updating, she integrates the techniques learned in her continuous search for learning and growth with a particular style of work that generates very positive results for those who seek her services.