Associate member: Fabio Guevara
Psychologist and Jungian oriented analyst.
Psychologist and Jungian oriented analyst residing in Costa Rica specialized in Jungian Psychotherapy; Complexes and Archetypal Psychology; Active Imagination techniques; personality study through Myers-Briggs Type Indicatorestudios (MBTI); Dream Analysis Psychotherapy; Dimension-Oriented Dynamic Psychotherapy, MBSR Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Self Authoring Analysis and Integral Meditation.
He has studies in Orientation and Special Education at the University of Costa Rica; Family Case Management by IDPH in Illinois, USA; training in Clinical Jungian Theory by the Sociedad Internacional para el Desarrollo del Psicoanálisis Junguiano (SIDPaJ), training in Dimension-Oriented Dynamic Psychotherapy by the PDD Institute of Spain and a speciality in Symbology from the University of Barcelona. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Universidad Centroamericana de Ciencias Sociales (UCACIS) and a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Fidélitas University in San José, Costa Rica.
He is also a practitioner and teacher of meditation and mindfulness techniques with more than 30 years of experience, from the practice of Samatha and Vipassana, through the Mahayana and Vajrayana traditions in Buddhist monasteries, as well as the practice of contemplation in Christian monasteries.
He is a member of the Colegio de Profesionales de la Psicología de Costa Rica, founding member and president of the Center for Jungian Studies of Costa Rica (CEJCR), member of the PDD International Society, professor of Free Courses at the School of General Studies at the University of Costa Rica. He is currently working in private practice.