Summary of the collaboration agreement
Summary of the collaboration agreement between the Official College of Valencian Psychologists and the International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis.
The purpose of this agreement is to establish ways for the sharing of outreach activities, training and research for the mutual benefit of both parties. This is to include, but not limited to the following:
- To further the training and development of research and clinical interventions related to the practice of Jungian analysis and analytic psychotherapy.
- The promotion of seminars and courses, which will be taught by experienced teachers and should address issues of interest to both institutions in the area of Jungian Analysis and Analytic Psychotherapy.
- The International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis is committed to holding three annual free lectures on topics of interest to psychology professionals.
- Both parties, by mutual agreement, shall constitute a combined committee as a joint scheme, which will function as the programming, monitoring and evaluation of activities under this agreement.
This agreement shall enter into force upon its signing and will be valid for one year, tacitly renewable for equal periods.
Valencia, 10th of April 2014